No Country For Old Men Book Cover

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No Country For Old Men




“No Country for Old Men” was the last book I tackled for this year’s library challenge, under the theme “has a cowboy in it”—something I’d been steering clear of. But that’s exactly why I love these challenges; they nudge me to pick up books I’d usually skip and try new writing styles. This was my first time reading Cormac McCarthy and his style really threw me off at first but after a bit I got into it. The book had a few frustrating things, like how a major character just dies off-screen and you’re left with no clue about what actually went down. And the ending? It just kind of hits you out of nowhere. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized these quirks made the story stick with me, pushing me to think harder about what I’d just read. They felt intentional, essential even, to the whole impact of the story. We ended up watching the movie after finishing the book, and it’s super faithful to the novel— the dialogue is pretty much verbatim. Seeing it played out on screen just made me appreciate McCarthy’s work even more.
