We read this for book club this month. A couple things to note- it’s really long (audio version was around 19+ hours) and it’s set in a Wyoming prairie in the 1800’s. Dusty is a really good way to describe it. I don’t know what my problem is but “dusty” is really hard for me. The story itself was really good. There are two families that live out on the Wyoming prairie with no one else around for miles and miles. A lady of one house and a man of the other have an affair and are discovered by the lady’s husband, resulting in him immediately shooting and killing the offender and turns himself in (I know that may seem like a spoiler but it all happens within the first few pages). This leaves the two families to fend for themselves without a “man of the house” for either. They end up having to rely on one another which involves a lot of bitterness and trust building. My favorite character was Beulah, a sensitive soul in tune with nature and her own intuition. The story is told from several perspectives but she could be considered the main character. If it wasn’t quite so dusty I probably could’ve immersed myself more fully in the story. If dust doesn’t bother you, then pick this one up.