Red Rising Book Cover

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Red Rising




This has been on my list to read for a good eight or nine years, I don’t know why it took me so long to dive in. I’m glad I did, I loved it! It’s Ender’s Game meets Hunger Games meets Game of Thrones (maybe it should’ve had “game” in the title). I don’t even know if I can give a synopsis of it beyond that. Or if I need to. It’s a dystopian novel set in the future on Mars. Humanity has adopted a strict caste system based on color. Red is at the bottom. I started and stopped a few times and had to get a push to make it through the first 20%. I had a friend strongly encourage me to keep going. The first part is depressing and hard to follow (at least for me) and then the whole thing totally changes- just putting that out there for anyone that struggled at the beginning. I did chose to read it vs. listen to it because there are a lot of characters to follow and it’s own lingo, and knowing myself I knew I would find that challenging for audio. Lots of twists and turns as you follow Darrow on his journey from Red to Gold.
