The Anxious Generation Book Cover
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The Anxious Generation




If you haven’t seen Jonathan Haidt in a podcast or interview lately, then we must consume completely different media—he’s everywhere, and deservedly so. “The Anxious Generation” wasn’t initially intended to be a standalone book; it emerged while Haidt was researching a chapter for another project. He soon realized the necessity of addressing what he calls the “Great Rewiring”—the shift from a play-based to a phone-based childhood and its profound effects on humanity. This book is a must-read, particularly for anyone involved in education. Haidt articulates how our current predicament is a collective problem that demands a collective solution, which he outlines with clarity and simplicity. As a parent dreading the day my kids ask for their first phones, I find this message not just relevant but crucial. Well-researched and compellingly argued, “The Anxious Generation” is an essential read. Please, read it and pass it on!
