The Lincoln Highway Book Cover

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The Lincoln Highway




I needed days of sitting with the ending before I could even begin to process it. My opinion shifted dramatically from one hour to the next. Right now, I think I loved the book. It read like a classic Steinback to me (maybe that’s not the best comparison but whatever). The book follows three (I’d argue four) main characters over the course of a ten day adventure on the Lincoln Highway. Towles use of first person narrative allows a space for the reader to question their own morals as they are privy to the behind-the-scenes impulsive decision-making of young adult males. It looks at relationships, grief, responsibility, the American dream, consequences, and how our station in life affects our trajectory. The chapters bounce from the perspective of one character to the next, often re-telling a scene from another perspective to round out the narrative. It’s a gripping and fast-paced read. Just make sure you’re seated and don’t have immediate plans after finishing the last chapter, or have a book buddy to call and co-digest what it all means.
