Why We Sleep Book Cover

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Why We Sleep




As someone who loves to sleep, is obsessed with getting quality sleep, and is an evangelist for sleep, this book was validating. Dr. Walker is a leading sleep expert and researcher, and a professor of neuroscience and psychoolgy. He may have put it better himself, that he is “in love with everything that sleep is and does.” Yes. I couldn’t agree more. Sleep is everything. This only becomes more apparent when you have kids and sleep becomes a commodity that is no longer an option. Dr. Walker covers everything sleep- from what it is, why we do it, why we need it, and how to get it. A few takeaways: early birds (referred to as “larks”) are in fact not better than “owls”. No one should be bragging on how little sleep they need, instead we should be worried about their overall health and cognitive functioning. If you need a reason to justify your sleep, this book is full of all the reasons. At the very least, prioritize your kids’, especially teens’, sleep. Good sleep helps us problem solve, work through trauma and emotions, regenerate our cells, regulate our appetite, and form memories from what we learned. In short: sleep is good, do it more.
